Thursday, 10 April 2014


We got up on Thursday morning to brilliant sunshine! After breakfast we took part in our next 3 adventure activities.
Fencing was first! It was very tricky getting the gear on but it is important to stay safe in all of these activities.

 Ryan enjoyed dressing up and loved the contours of his fencing suit..."Look at my 6-pack! I want one of these for Christmas Mum!"

Then, with a slap of the glove, it was "I challenge you to a dual!" 
and "I accept!" 

The next activity was Nightline where we had to put on black goggles so that we couldn't see anything at all. We did some training to teach us how to stay together in a group and help each other with directions and instructions.

 Then we set off around a gruelling obstacle course where we had to walk, crawl, climb, commando roll, slide and...........

  get soaking wet!!!!!! and filthy dirty!!!!!!! 
And who do you think was responsible for the Teacher's Revenge?

We were very wet but it was fantastic fun!

Finally we went to the climbing wall-it's very high so again we had lots of safety instructions and put on all of the safety gear.
There are 2 walls to climb-one is flat and easier while the second is more like a cliff wall and really difficult. Robert and Shay really rose to the challenge! Well done!
 Kaitlyn managed the hard one easily-Spider Girl!!
 Mr Coates had to be winched down. (Weak legs!!!)

By then end of the morning we were all starving so it was off for a delicious buffet lunch before our afternoon trip to the Animal Sanctuary!


  1. Looks like you all had fun especially the teachers with the water guns x

  2. I can't believe my son is climbing the wall so proud of him x poor kids getting soaked I bet it was fun

  3. Ha ha good to see you on the recieving end of being squirted with water Riley!! Where are your white trainers.... em that's right at the bottom of the stairs?? X
