Wednesday, 9 April 2014


We awoke to a very foggy morning and after breakfast we boarded the bus and headed to a little town called St Hilaire where there is a big French market. The stalls were full of traditional French foods and flowers.....
and also some fabulous bling that we all just loved!
We bought hats and sunglasses, magic wallets (look out for those!), jewellery, cosmetics, false nails, ice watches, pocket watches, the obligatory footballs and those delicious Galette Saucisse!!! (Sausage wrapped in a pancake for those who have never been to France-they are delicious!)
Of course Mrs Fellowes-Prynne set the girls a challenge to see if they could find an outfit for Mrs Wigg on her return to Nursery after Easter........they think this fits the bill entirely!! Head Teacher's revenge Mrs Wigg!!
We left St Hilaire and walked through the beautiful park back to the bus just as the thick fog began to lift and the sun came out.
We travelled back to Erniee, the town beside Chateau Beaumont, and had lunch in the park there. The girls sensibly sat at a picnic table........
...the boys all piled onto the little wooden train. Toot toot!!!
Then we had half an hour of mad fun in the playground-the climbing frames were amazing!

The wiggly, jiggly platforms "awesome"!!
Miss Hume just loved it!!
Robert climbed like a monkey!
Morgan had a blast!
And Riley just kept on smiling!!!!
A super morning with lots of fun and laughter!


  1. Some fab pictures its nice to see Robert enjoying himself and he looks clean for a change x

  2. That dress is beautiful! So thoughtful of you girls! I'm sure I would look delightful in that! Looks like you're all having a fabulous time! See you soon, Mrs Wigg x

  3. Hi jasmine you all look you have had a fantastic time enjoy euro Disney see you tomorrow love ang and warren xx
